Legal, social and tax advice
Expert advice in IM to make the right decision
An international mobility project is complex to set up because it must take into account the numerous legal, social and tax implications that you and your employees will face during their assignment or expatriation:
- Are you in compliance with labor law?
- What are the provisions regarding remote work (WFA)?
- Are there any bilateral social security agreements between the two countries? How to you determine the employee’s tax residence? etc.
Our Advisory team is composed of multidisciplinary consultants, specialized in international mobility matters. We are recognized for the quality of our advice and optimization, for our proactivity and reactivity.
Being advised by Helma International on the legal, social and tax issues of your missions means benefiting from a real operational support, working hand in hand with you to build your international mobility project. Labor law, package calculation, preparation of tax returns, analysis of social security coverage... With our studies and services, we respond pragmatically to your needs.
Thanks to our experience acquired in "Big Four" or large groups as IM managers, we have the ability to put ourselves in your shoes to provide you with a 360° view of your strategy. With Helma, no obscure memos! These provide detailed solutions to your problems; our analysis is then summarized in an executive summary that gives you an overview of our recommendations in order to help you make a relevant decision as soon as possible.

Legal advice on IM project
You have an international mobility project for one or more of your talents? The set-up requires being well informed beforehand on your obligations and on the international framework that applies.
Our consultants will assist you with targeted analysis and personalized studies to help you build a coherent international mobility project, in line with and adapted to the context of your missions.
Work contract
Are you hiring a talent? Are you seconding or expatriating them in France or abroad? The employment contract must include specific clauses depending on the situation. We assist you in drafting the employment contract and the secondment or expatriation endorsements/amendments.
International remote working
Remote working thanks to digital tools has increased since Covid period, including at the international level. Even today, many talents still want to continue to work from home in order to balance their professional life with their private life.
Work from Anywhere (WFA) can however be complex to set up, in particular with regard to certain aspects of labor law, immigration, social protection, or taxation.
To assist you on the challenges of international remote working we study the risks and feasibility of such a project, as well as its compliance. The WFA requires a framework that we can help you to set up, with the support if need be, of our proven partners abroad.
International social protection advice
The social security coverage of your talent abroad or a foreign talent in France is the employer's responsibility and requires special attention. Does your employee need additional coverage? What do international agreements provide in terms of health coverage, work accidents, contingency plans, and retirement?
To answer your questions, we inform you about your obligations as an employer. We will study your employee's specific situation and the employer's costs, then analyze the various options before proposing the best suitable solution.

Tax assistance
Determining the tax residence of your employee is essential to define the tax system applicable to him/her and to set up the withholding tax (PAS). This step raises many questions: what is the personal situation of your talent? Is he/she accompanied by family in the country of assignment? Is he/she returning to work for his/her employer in his/her home country? Who pays his remuneration? ...
We also offer:
- Determination of PAS and PASRAU tax rates and implementation of PAS,
- Simple or complex tax returns preparation,
- Tax briefing on arrival or departure,
- Tax regime in favor of inbound (article 155B of the General Tax Code): calculation of the tax exemption amount