Outsourced management
to simplify international mobility
The international mobility of talent is a complex area that is particularly time-consuming for a company to manage, especially when it does not have a dedicated IM department. The administrative formalities are numerous, even tedious, and they vary according to the personal situation of your talents and the nature of their missions.
By entrusting us with the management of your international mobility, you will benefit from our expertise in this field and a constant follow-up of your files. Our Advisory team has solid experience in outsourced management. You can unburden yourself of all or part of your obligations in this area and concentrate on your core business and the development of your company.
Our multidisciplinary consultants can assist you with the outsourced management of your employees, the implementation of an "employer of records" when local constraints require it, or simply to fulfill some of your obligations and formalities: social security coverage, payroll, applying for certificates of coverage to maintain the employee to the home country Social Security scheme (A1 form in EU and EEA countries and relevant CoC under bilateral agreements), prior declaration of posting , tax briefing upon employee departure or arrival in home and host countries, etc.
We also work closely with our Outbound division to coordinate and optimize transfers abroad. They rigorously select our foreign partners to ensure the continuity of the outsourced management abroad to guarantee you constant and high-quality support.
EOR Services via our Global Mobility Network
You have identified a talent and you need to pay him/her abroad for various reasons (for example, you do not have a subsidiary in the host country, there are immigration quotas, you do not want the local subsidiary to carry this employee, etc.).
We offer you global support in the implementation of EOR services via our network of more than 300 partners throughout the world:
- Feasibility study of your project and advice,
- Due diligence audit,
- Coordination of EOR services on a monthly basis with our local partner.

Expatriate payroll management
Are you implementing a split payroll, a double employment contract? You must pay voluntary contributions like CFE in France with a shadow payroll? You do not have an established entity in France? Payroll can be complex.
We assist you in establishing the pay slips of your employees in France and abroad.
Management of voluntary contributions
Your expatriate must be registered with the Caisse des Français de l'Etranger (CFE) or with voluntary insurance packages in France to guarantee equivalent health and retirement coverage. Managing the registration and payment formalities is particularly time-consuming.
We can help you choose the right social security coverage and manage your contributions with various organizations.
Support for foreign companies not registered in France
You second employees to France but you do not have an entity in our country. We assist you with all registration required for a foreign company and with payroll management:
- Payment of social security contributions in France,
- Implementation of PAS or PASRAU and determination of the relevant withholding tax rates
- Preparation and filing of the SIPSI declaration in conjunction with our immigration department,
- Compliance with your obligations related to posted workers, preparation of French pay slip (in the absence of a bilateral agreement between the employee's home country and France).

Assistance agreement
International mobility triggers a varied range of issues , and it is not always easy to anticipate their challenges. You want to be able to call on an expert according to the needs of your HR team and you need someone who knows your policies, practices, and strategy.
Thanks to our assistance agreement, you benefit from permanent support from our Advisory practice. Our consultants are at your disposal to advise you efficiently and with relevance on all your issues. To monitor the use of your support hours, you will receive a monthly report of the hours spent with details of the assistance provided to you.